Gemini and Hercules

Gemini and Hercules Focusing Rotator.

Gemini and Hercules Focusing Rotator

Control software for the Optec Gemini and Hercules Focusing Rotator. Includes ASCOM Driver.

Name Requirements Download
Commander Software and ASCOM Driver Windows 10+ with .Net 4.8 and ASCOM Platform 6.6 and above Download
~Archived Downloads~
Version Date Note
1.4.2 7/30/2024 Fixed issue where the Commander software would not connect after a force disconnect
Added AltAz beta support
1.4.1 6/21/2024 Added Hercules support
1.4.0 3/5/2024 Allow a second Gemini Driver to be activated
Store settings in the ASCOM Profile on Windows
Fixed issue with Temperature Compensation Wizard incorrectly calculating coefficient
Fixed issue where type conversion can throw on no probe
Fixed issue where the already open communication port could be opened a second time
Fixed issue where Temperature Compensation could be accessed by clients before connection completed
1.3.3 2022-10-10 Improved automatic recovery for connections
Improved logging for dropped commands
Fixed issue where NotImplemented exception could be thrown when a probe was disconnected
1.3.2 2022-01-06 Implemented support for Temperature Offsets
Fixed issue where the reverse state and UI would not match the ASCOM PA and direction
1.3.1 2021-11-15 Fixed an issue where heavily multithreaded access could result in the driver throwing an exception
Fixed an issue with IRotatorV3 Move command
Some internal cleanup
1.3.0 2021-06-09 Updated to ASCOM IRotatorV3, now supports rotator syncing
Updated to ASCOM IFocuserV3
Setup now starts connected if any client is connected
Added warning if connecting to FocusLynx hubs
Added reboot button to firmware update tool
Allow mixed access mode for admin/user clients
Updated to .Net 4.8 to fix TLS issue
Minor UI improvements and bug fixes
1.2.3 2020-11-04 Allow Focusers up to 2048 steps of backlash
1.2.1 2020-02-19 General backend improvements
Fixed some incorrect UI strings
1.2.0 2018-01-30 Added WiFi connection support
Added WiFi settings support
Added WiFi scanning support
Improved connection recovery and stability
Added automatic reboot to firmware update tool
Added new update notifications
Minor UI improvements and bug fixes
1.1.0 2017-08-14 Requires Firmware 1.1.0 or higher
Fixed issue where the settings form would sometimes end up behind other files.
Added Async check that will report new updates on the bottom of the form.
Added Ethernet improvements.
Added Not Homed report. Will report a position of 0 to other clients while homing.
Improved support for firmware error messages.
1.0.4 2017-02-01 Added Homed and IsHoming monitoring
1.0.3 2016-03-31 Several UI bug fixes.
Improved WiFi Support.
Improved error handling.
Added mouse over position to rotator graphic.
1.0.2 2015-06-25 Moved the Sky PA Offset system to the driver level.
Fixed a bug in the rotator graphic.
1.0.1 2015-06-02 Fixed a concurrency issue that could occur with multiple clients.
Modified the temperature coefficient system.
1.0.0 2015-05-18 First released version.

Gemini Firmware

Firmware for the Optec Gemini Focusing Rotator

~Archived Downloads~
Version Date Note
1.2.5 2023/11/1 Webpages now handle reverse correctly
Note: it is recommend to also update the internal webpages to 1.2.5
1.2.4 2023/01/19 Increased speed for temperature compensation
Fixed issue with large temperature compensation moves
1.2.3 2020/03/16 Fixed issue where the Rotator would not home correctly from maximum position
Allow Focusers up to 2048 steps of backlash
Only apply backlash when changing directions
1.2.2 2020/02/18 Improved focuser homing
Improved handling of disconnected instruments
Changed rotator to move to 0 degrees after a factory reset
Fixed issue where the rotator would not home correctly when the sensor was tripped
1.2.1 2019/09/11 Improved rotator homing
Configured the rotator to start in reverse mode after a factory reset
1.2.0 2018/01/25 Added support for WiFi board
Improved connectivity for Ethernet
Added support for WiFi settings commands
Rotator returns to last parked position after homing
Increased total steps to reach home
1.1.1 2017/10/12 Fixed a bug where the internal settings could be automatically reset
1.1.0 2017/08/10 Requires Driver 1.1.0 or higher
Added Ethernet stack fix to improve stability
1.0.5 2017/05/13 When homing both the focuser and rotator report a position of 0
Added memory monitor checksum (may reset device settings on update)
Added ramping and higher motor speeds
Changed rotator home position to 180.
1.0.4 2017/01/30 Added protections to stop un-homed devices from moving until the home has been completed
Fixed a bug where starting temperature compensation with negative temperatures would result in settings corruption
1.0.3 2016/10/11 New TCP/IP code to improve connectivity over Ethernet
Fixed a bug where the focuser moved slowly for some moves