The main form of the Optec TCF-S Focuser Control program, shown on the right, gives you complete control over your focuser device.
The view menu allows the user to specify which controls appear on the main form. All controls are displayed by default. Click view and uncheck a control to remove if from the main form.
The Always On Top setting, when checked, will force the main TCF-S Focuser Control window to remain on top of all other program windows.
The device menu allows the user to connect and disconnect from the focuser, enter and exit Temperature Compensation mode, enter and exit Sleep Mode and close the TCF-S Focuser Control program.
The logos at the top of the screen provide hyperlinks to the Optec Inc. website and official ASCOM website. Clicking either logo will open a new internet browser window.
The connection indicator light, located to the left of the Position readout, gives the user a visual indication of whether the focuser is connected or not. The user can click the Connection Indicator Light to connect or disconnect from the focuser at any time (assuming the focuser is physically connected to the computer and the correct COM port has been selected).
When a focuser is connected the Position Readout gives the user an indication of the current position of the focuser. Clicking the Position Readout causes the display to change units.
When a focuser is connected, the Temperature Readout gives the user an indication of the current temperature as measured by the temperature probe. If the temperature probe is not inserted or is disabled the Temperature Readout will display "DISABLED". Left-click the Temperature Readout to change the displayed units for the temperature. Right-click the Temperature Readout to enable or disable the probe.
The relative move controls allow the user to manually change the focus by pressing the IN and OUT buttons. Use the Increment box to set how many steps the focuser will travel for every button press.
The Temperature Compensation controls allow the user to turn temperature compensation on or off. This functionality is only available when the device is connected.
The Absolute Focus Adjust controls allow the user to send the focuser to a specific absolute position. Enter a position in the box and press the Go To button to change focus to a new position. Press the Center button to move the focuser to the center of its possible travel.
See Focus Offsets.
See Focus Presets.