Section 4.5 - Error List
This section is a short listing of all errors that may be returned as a response to one of the direct serial commands described on the Command List, as well as common solutions to those errors. If you are having trouble finding the cause of the error code you have received, please contact Optec for assistance. Possible errors returned by the FocusLynx focuser hub are as follows:
- ER=1 Unacceptable Parameter Received In Command - This error means that one of the parameters in your command was not what the focuser hub expected. The actual problem may vary widely depending on the command in question, and could be anything from an unusable character to a parameter that is shorter or longer than expected, or something entirely different.
- ER=2 Received Command Was Too Long - This error occurs when the command exceeds the maximum character length. Check your command string to make sure it is no longer than 16 characters and try again.
- ER=3 Unknown Command Was Received - This error occurs when the command code (i.e. FHGETHUBINFO or F1MA) is not recognizable by the focuser hub. Most likely, this is due to a typo in your command.
- ER=4 Cannot Execute Command While Device Is Moving - This error occurs because certain commands cannot be issued while a focuser is in motion. Wait until the focuser finishes moving and try again.
- ER=5 Cannot Execute Command While Device IS Sleeping - This error occurs because most focuser commands cannot be issued when the focuser is in sleep mode. Issue the command to wake up the focuser and then try again.
- ER=6 Cannot Execute Command Without Temp Probe Attached - This error occurs when a temperature compensation command is issued without a temperature probe attached to the focuser. Check the connection between probe and focuser and try again.
- ER=7 Comm Problem With Wi-Fi Board - This error occurs when a Wi-Fi-related command is issued and the focuser hub cannot communicate properly with the Wi-Fi board. Try restarting your hub and allow approximately five to ten seconds and try issuing your command again. If this problem persists, please contact Optec for assistance.
- ER=8 Cannot Push Settings. Necessary Settings Are Missing - This error occurs when the command to push Wi-Fi settings is sent without first entering all necessary configuration information. Please make sure you have set the Wi-Fi SSID, security mode, security key (if necessary), and WEP key index (if necessary) before pushing your settings.
- ER=9 Device Type Is Set Incorrectly - This error occurs when the user-set device type for a focuser does not match the physical qualities detected by the FocusLynx focuser hub. If this error appears while using an Optec FastFocus focuser, do not move the focus on your focuser without first correcting this problem to avoid risking severe, permanent focuser damage.