Thank you for choseing the TCF-S Commander and ASCOM Local Server focuser control program. TCF-S Commander includes an ASCOM Local Server and is designed for testing, configuring, and operating the Optec TCF-S line of Temperature Compensating Focusers. The ASCOM Initiative is a loosely-knit group of astronomy software developers and device manufacturers devoted to vendor-independent plug-and-play control. ASCOM is a Windows-only platform and is backward compatible with at least Windows XP. TCF-S Commander has been fully tested with the latest ASCOM Platform and Windows operating systems and functions as a 32-bit application. The software will run on either 32-bit or 64-bit systems without issue.
ASCOM Platform 6.1SP1 or higher is required to install and use this software. Visit the ASCOM Website to obtain the latest platform.
Version 6.0 of this program will communicate with and control all revisions of the following focuser models:
Original Optec TCF-S focuser with external control box.
You can learn more about the TCF-S focusers by visiting the Optec web page located at:
A pdf copy of this help file can be found by visiting the Optec website. Click here to download the current pdf version for this help file.
TCF-S Hand Control Box layout