Temperature Coefficient Wizard
Temperature Coefficient Wizard
The Temperature Coefficient Wizard is a tool that is included with the driver installation which assists in the process of calculating and storing a temperature coefficient using and auto-focusing client application.
Examples of auto-focusing applications that could be use are FocusMax, MaxIm DL or any other focusing application even NON-ASCOM tools. The only requirement is that the application has the ability to connect and disconnect from the TCF-S and automatically adjust the focus.
The Optec TCF-S ASCOM Driver installation creates a shortcut to the Wizard under your Windows Start Menu\Programs\Optec\TCF-S folder. The executable for the wizard (TempCoeffWizard.exe) is stored in the C:\Program Files\Optec\TCF-S\Wizard\x.x.x.x folder.
To start the wizard click the shortcut in the folder stated above. Be sure to open up the driver Setup Dialog and make sure you can connect to the device before beginning the process. IMPORTANT: Calculating the temperature coefficient accurately requires a minimum of a 5�C change in temperature from the start of the process until the end. For this reason the process could take a considerable amount of time to complete. Be prepared to set aside ample time before beginning the process.
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